Inspired by Chapter 3 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


To review, the 3 Elements are: Choice, Commitment, and
Action. Yep, ACTION is the tough one.

Relating to Hill’s philosophy and the Law of Attraction
(same thing), the Elements are THOUGHT, DESIRE, and

In Chapter 2, the Six Steps Hill outlines usually don’t
work for most because they ignore the last sentence
although it’s printed in all CAPS: “AS YOU READ—SEE AND

Thoughts alone transmit a mere trickle of energy, and
are not noticed much. Fueled by Powerful, Sustained
EMOTION, the resulting DESIRE shines like a beacon
which cannot be ignored.

For the Law of Attraction to work the way You want, the
Beacon must shine often and with long duration.

But there is one thing that can block You from
RECEIVING back the like vibration from the Universe.
The thing causes You to forget to say Your Self-Talk,
to not speak up on calls, to be poor on follow-up, and
to miss opportunities. It fosters Doubt and Fear.

The thing is LACK of Belief.

BELIEF is a FEELING too. It is what drives You to take
ACTION. Without it, You have no motivation to PERSIST
at anything. You will not “burn the boats”. You will
not Be ALL The Way IN. Belief is automatic – it is FELT
in Your HEART.

You must FEEL as You would had Your Goal ALREADY BEEN
reached! That is why You must practice VISUALIZATION –
SEE and FEEL Your Goal achieved!


FAITH is KNOWING something without evidence. BELIEF is
KNOWING something WITH evidence. The evidence can be
real, imagined, or implanted through SUGGESTION.

Prior to May 6, 1954 it was widely accepted as
impossible for a human being to run one mile in less
than 4 minutes. Certainly no human had ever been
recorded doing so. Runners had come close – completing
the mile in 4 minutes, and less than 1 second. The myth
was that all “expert” scientists agreed it was
physiologically impossible for a human to break the
4-minute barrier. This myth was promoted by
sportswriters who like even numbers. Virtually all
runners BELIEVED the myth.

One runner, Roger Bannister, had FAITH he could break
the barrier. He ran many races and practiced
constantly, both on the track and in his MIND. Having
run the mile several times in 4:01, he KNEW he could
run just 2 seconds faster. On the above date at Oxford
university, Bannister completed a mile race in 3 min
59.4 sec.

Just 46 days later in Finland, John Landy ran the mile
in 3 min 57.9 sec. Once Bannister broke the myth, 18
have run the sub-4 minute mile, bolstered by the BELIEF
they could, as Evidenced by Bannister and Landy.

Our Core Beliefs are hard-wired in by age 7. In our
first seven years our minds are like sponges, soaking
in all input without question. From age 7 onward we
begin to think abstractly and critically in our
Conscious Minds, but our SUBCONSCIOUS Operating System
filters everything based on our Core Beliefs.

How Strong are Core Beliefs?

They are at the root of many conflicts – including
majors wars.

Witness three men walking through a desert – a Muslim,
a Jew, and a Christian. For many centuries their
ancestors have all worshiped the God of Abraham. These
guys have not mentioned their religious views during
their journey. After walking many miles in the heat,
parched and exhausted, the three arrive at an oasis.

The Muslim cries, “Praise Allah!”

The Jew shouts, “Praise Adonai!” (He believes the name
“Yahweh” is too sacred to be spoken.)

The two are looking at each other crossly when the
Christian cries, “Praise Jesus!”

The other two turn on him and scream, “BLASPHEMER!”

One God – but three names, 3 LABELS – and over these,
much violence has been committed, folks killed, and
cities destroyed.

How Hard IS It to Change a Core Belief?

Very hard! To change Your Core Beliefs means to change
Your IDENTITY – the way You see Yourself in relation to
the world.

It requires a Leap of FAITH and PERSISTENT

Summing it up, to ACHIEVE any GOAL:

It must be Your clearly defined, most dominant THOUGHT.

It must be fueled by a Powerful, Positive FIRE in Your
Belly to create a BURNING OBSESSION in Your Heart.

It must be BELIEVED by You beyond ANY Doubt.

If all 3 Elements are present, then the Goal is in Your
“Sweet Spot”. If it’s not in Your Sweet Spot, then find
one that IS!

Your Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. The ONLY things in Your way are the LIMITS of YOUR

Originally published at

Ken Klemm



That is why, at Mentoring For Free, We Teach You HOW to
Think, Not WHAT to Think.



Inspired by Chapter 2 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Like my daughter, I learned the Power of a BURNING
DESIRE at an early age – long before I’d ever heard of
this philosophy. Some things we just learn by
“accident”, but the Secrets of the Universe are often
stumbled upon because they are hidden in plain view.
This POWER actually scared me so much, I suppressed it
for years.

My PASSION was not for sports, but for music. My dream
was to conduct musical ensembles and to compose music.

My passion for music grew starting about age 6, and I
actually composed two songs. I listened to a lot of
music – and I listened carefully, with great intensity.
I picked out the part each instrument played on
recordings and I practiced conducting the ensemble in

I taught myself piano by ear, including all the scales
in every key. Years later I learned to read music.

I majored in music in high school. Studying music
theory came easily for me, as I already had a head
start from my self-education. I borrowed “Conducting”
by the master Max Rudolf, and studied the book

In my junior year, I finally received formal training
in conducting. I excelled in class when it was my turn
to conduct the ensemble because I had been “practicing”
for years. Since eighht grade, I VISUALIZED conducting
an ensemble in concert – that somehow, someday an
opportunity would present itself whereupon I would do
it. I had to be prepared for that day.

The day came in May of my junior year. Three weeks
before our spring concert, one of our two music
teachers, the choral director, suddenly developed an
aneurism in his leg requiring emergency surgery.

The student leaders who had seen me in action in class
spoke with the other teacher, insisting that I – not
some substitute teacher – conduct the remaining
rehearsals and the concert. I was stunned when the
teacher approached me about it, but accepted the

I visited the hospital where my mentor was recovering
from the surgery, and he gave me his confidence and

I spent all weekend studying the music to prepare for
the rehearsals. The highlight of the concert was to be
a performance by the combined choirs and symphony
orchestra of the Brahms’ German Requiem – not typical
high school repertoire, but ours was not a typical

With the cooperation of my other teachers, I was
excused from all classes so I could rehearse the
separate ensembles and the combined forces in the final
days before the concert .

The evening of the concert, with the support and love
of my fellow students, we performed brilliantly – and I
REALIZED my DREAM for the first time.

In my senior year, I studied orchestration and
conducted an arrangement for string orchestra I wrote
based on a tune I composed at age 6. How cool was that?

At that year’s spring concert, my healed mentor
conducted an original arrangement of mine for chorus
and orchestra.

Throughout college and my adult life I enjoyed many
other musical opportunities, including participating in
a Grammy Award-winning recording on RCA.

But the Realization of my Dream frightened me – I
thought I had somehow caused my teacher’s aneurism. I
suppressed use of the POWER many times in my life.

Now that I am immersed in deep study of the Law of
Attraction, I believe differently.

Your Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. The Laws of Success work whether You’re aware of
them or not.

Originally published at

Ken Klemm



That is why, at Mentoring For Free, We Teach You HOW to
Think, Not WHAT to Think.



Inspired by Chapter 2 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


Again, the 3 Elements are: Choice, Commitment, and
Action. A THOUGHT is an idea, a seed, an acorn – having
no power without a catalyst.

EMOTION is the catalyst that activates the Thought and
gives it ENERGY. That is how we COMMIT to a THOUGHT.

I must admit I still don’t fully understand Emotion. I
thought there were 8 Positive and 8 Negative Major

Now I realize there is only ONE.

EMOTION is a ball of ENERGY that comes from the gut –
between the solar plexus and the groin. Remember the
phrase, “Fire in the belly?”

Like a magnet or electric charge, this ball of ENERGY
has POLARITY – it can be POSITIVE, or Negative.

POSITIVE EMOTION is HOT – it GIVES Energy – it is a

Negative Emotion is COLD – it TAKES Energy away – it is

So, what are Desire, Faith, Love, Sex, Enthusiasm,
Romance, Hope, Prosperity…and Fear, Jealousy, Hatred,
Revenge, Greed, Superstition, Anger, Lack?

Those are FEELINGS, felt in the HEART – at the center
of the body. When You are near HEAT, You FEEL Warmth.
When You are near something COLD, it draws Heat FROM
You, and You FEEL a Chill.

The HEART is the mixing chamber where THOUGHTS are
charged with the Force of EMOTION, producing FEELINGS.
The VIBRATION of FEELING is what goes out to the
Universe, and what comes back FROM the Universe.

So, the HEART is the Great Broadcaster.

We were given the POWER to Create by our Creator. Our
Emotion Ball was designed to remain in a POSITIVE state
most of the time. So, when our Ideas are mixed with
Positive Energy, the natural result is the Feeling of

Our Ball is designed to flip to negative when we face
mortal danger, drawing the force away from Creation –
and focusing it into a survival burst known as the
fight or flight response. When danger is past, the Ball
should flip back to its normal state: POSITIVE.

Most people today exist in the opposite – their Balls
of Energy are normally negative, with brief, fleeting
flips to Positive. Those who wish to hold folks under
their control market FEAR to maintain this unnatural

With a steady stream of scares and crises – crime,
tainted food, disease, threats of weather disaster,
threats of war, threats of terror – it is no surprise
society is so dysfunctional. We are in constant state
of fight or flight – with no one to fight and nowhere
to run to and hide.

For Achievement to occur, an Idea must be fed a steady
diet of Positive Emotion until it Creates a Feeling of
BURNING OBSESSION. The Obsession will Motivate us to do
what is necessary to Attract the Resources we need to
reach our goals.

If an Idea is fed with negative emotion, then the
resulting feeling is Jealousy – a destructive vibration
that repels resources and keeps our goals running away
from us.


Your Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. One more Element is required for the Law of
Attraction to work FOR You – the ACTION Element of

Originally published at

Ken Klemm



That is why, at Mentoring For Free, We Teach You HOW to
Think, Not WHAT to Think.


THOUGHTS are very much Your Children

Inspired by Chapter 1 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

While Hill gives us the entire formula in every chapter
– including this one, I think it is a bit overwhelming
for most to grasp the HIDDEN SECRET in one go-through.
It is better to, as Hill does, examine one element at a
time – and master each until the entire philosophy
gradually takes form within Your head and heart.

It seems everything works in the Pattern of Three. My
good friend Don Smith from Denver described the 3
Elements of Success as CHOICE, COMMITMENT, and ACTION.
Similarly, the Law of Attraction requires THOUGHT,

Today we discuss THOUGHT. Everything begins with
Thought. Nothing exists that was not first a Thought

THOUGHT ENERGY is neutral. It is full of enormous
POTENTIAL Power, but lies dormant – like the seed, the
acorn, the static electric charge. It is born in the
head area and waits for a catalyst.

A THOUGHT is an Idea, an Image of what is possible, of
what could be. Thoughts alone are not enough to
Manifest Reality.

…And this is a good thing. The average human thinks
about 1,000 thoughts per hour. If every thought
manifested something immediately, then the very room
You are sitting in would be chaotic, let alone the
whole world.

The Universe, being much smarter than we are, only
responds to our ONE most DOMINANT Thought.

In his famous recording, The Strangest Secret, Earl
Nightingale said, “You become what You think about most
of the time,” or, more accurately, “You get what You
think about most of the time.”

(We guys didn’t become girls. We became the guys who
dated the girls.)

…And it requires the other two Elements. We will
discuss those in the next two chapters.

You Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. THOUGHTS are very much Your children – they grow
into Words. Cherish them. Write them down. Speak them
with LOVE.

Originally published at

Ken Klemm



That is why, at Mentoring For Free, We Teach You HOW to
Think, Not WHAT to Think.



Inspired by Chapter 13 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Everything in the world vibrates at a certain

Everything has a definite pattern. Whenever two
hydrogen atoms combine with an oxygen atom to form a
molecule of water, the pattern it forms is ALWAYS a
140-degree angle.

Not so long ago, scientists (an arrogant bunch)
proclaimed the atom was the smallest possible particle
in the universe.

Why? It was the smallest particle they could see at the

Later, when technology improved, scientists could see
the atom was made of electrons orbiting around a
nucleus of protons and neutrons. A tremendous force of
energy keeps the electrons in place.

So, they proclaimed the electron was the smallest
possible particle in the universe.

Now, we know electrons are made of vibrating energy and
they are full of holes.

Every electron, proton, and neutron are the same – no
matter whether they are part of a carbon atom, a tin
atom, or a gold or platinum atom. The difference is the
way they VIBRATE.

Every particle in a gold atom vibrates at the frequency
of gold. This particular frequency of vibration
ATTRACTS gold atoms to each other.

That is why water vapor collects to form clouds, and
gold gathers to form veins in the rock of gold mines.

Electromagnetic forces behave as both waves of energy
and as very tiny particles called photons. They
constantly move at the speed of light. They permeate
and pass through the spaces between and within the
particles of atoms.

That’s why You can use Your cell phone inside

All EM energy vibrates at specific frequencies.
Fortunately, Your eyes only react to a very few of
them. Others are recognized by Your shortwave, AM, FM,
or CB radios, Your television, x-ray film, the food in
You microwave oven and stuff – and Your cell phone.

Now, the cell phone network looks for a specific
pattern transmitted by Your phone when someone calls or
texts You, finds which cell You are near, and sends a
specific pattern only Your phone recognizes. Else You’d
be bombarded with everyone’s text and voice messages.

There is only one substance it can’t seem to penetrate.
There is something about the pattern of lead that
blocks all EM energy. Even Superman’s peepers can’t
pierce it. The tradeoff for him is, Kryptonite encased
in a lead-lined box can’t hurt him.

One more thing about EM energy: It diminishes over
distance. If You increase its wattage at the source,
then it will travel further – whether it be a lightbulb
or a radio station.

HUMAN THOUGHT ENERGY may be the most amazing and
powerful in the world. It radiates in all directions,
permeates everything – including lead, travels faster
than light (instantly), and does not diminish over

Via our BRAINS, we transmit and receive thought to and
from each other. Most people send only a trickle of
energy, so their thoughts are not noticed by most.

The fuel to increase the Brain’s wattage is STRONG
HUMAN EMOTION. It generates a bright beacon which
cannot be ignored.

Just like all matter and other forces of energy, our
Brains vibrate at specific frequencies. And, like
everything else in nature, our thought vibrations
ATTRACT thoughts of the same frequency.

The really cool thing is, we CHOOSE the frequency of
Brain Vibration. …And, we CHOOSE the wattage of

One last thing: Not only do we receive each others’
thoughts, our thoughts affect matter. See for proof.

You Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. If I want gold, I vibrate gold. If I want to
answer prayers, I vibrate the frequency of prayer to
ATTRACT the praying. The frequency of Prayer is
COMPASSION: Sympathy for the Yearning of Others.

Originally published at

Ken Klemm



That is why, at Mentoring For Free, We Teach You HOW to
Think, Not WHAT to Think.


The Law of Attraction

Inspired by Chapter 11 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

In “The Strangest Secret”, Earl Nightingale said, “You
become what You think about most of the time.”

If that were true, then, when I was a teenager, I would
have become a slender girl with long, shapely legs,
long, silky brown hair, and sparkling green eyes.
I think Earl meant to say, “You get what You think
about most of the time.”

Indeed, THAT is true. The young lady I took to my
senior prom fit the above description.

However, THINKING is not enough. There are two other
critical elements.

Most people believe The Law of Attraction does not work
– but it HAS to. It’s a LAW!

You need not believe in the Law of Gravity either, but
it works every time. The Law of Lift is senior to
Gravity – but, when You exhaust Your fuel, Gravity is
waiting to embrace You with open arms.

The Two Critical Elements


EMOTIONS power THOUGHTS. However You FEEL – the Law of
Attraction works to reinforce that Feeling. So, those
who live in “a crappy town” attract things, people,
events, and reactions to those which reinforce “crappy
town” every time.

BELIEF is critical for Achievement. Without it, The Law
of Attraction delivers the product of disbelief. Belief
is covered thoroughly in other chapters.

The Most Powerful Feeling a human being can experience
is the combination of SEX, LOVE and ROMANCE.

My most perfect moment happened when I was age sixteen.
It was the most intense combination of those three I
ever felt in one moment. I strive each day to recapture
that moment in my mind and heart.

I ATTRACT stuff that reinforces the FEELING of my
perfect moment.

Most folks have too many goals: They want wealth, good
health, quality relationships, nicer house, better car,
boat, etc. More stuff than they can possibly BELIEVE

Far simpler would be a goal to FEEL GOOD RIGHT NOW.
Guess what would be attracted to reinforce the Feeling?

Your Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. The HOW is not as important as the FEELING. The
How is way off Your radar screen anyway. When it
approaches closer, it will be seen.

Originally published at

Ken Klemm



That is why, at Mentoring For Free, We Teach You HOW to
Think, Not WHAT to Think.


FEAR – Part 2

Human Operating System.”

Inspired by Chapter 15 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Alright, I did the self-analysis – and, yes, there are
fears there in my Subconscious Mind. So, I got to
thinking, “If they are in the Subconscious, then they
are Programs in the Human Operating System.”

I don’t believe advertisers plant the programs in
there, I believe they just mash the buttons on what is
already there.

The Six Ghosts of Fear are pretty much Universal in the
Human Operating System. Everyone has each of them to
some degree.

I’ve noticed certain Fears are more predominant in
certain personality types. Self Contained people fear
Criticism because it suggests they are not perfect. OH

Open people fear Loss of Love – manifested as
Rejection. If You reject Yellow’s offer, he feels You
don’t love him. If You don’t laugh at Blue’s jokes, she
feels You don’t love her.

Psychological Fear, with ALL the Negative Emotions, are
in the tool belt of EGO. All the Ghosts of Fear are
grown from Ego’s Fear of Annihilation.

Ego is pretty much Universal too. So, if Ego and the
Ghosts of Fear are Programs in the Human Operating
System, then can we eradicate them? NO!

Now, how do we OUTWIT them?

The first step is RECOGNITION, hence the self-analysis.
Once we realize what they are, we can neutralize their
Power by living in the PRESENT MOMENT – not the past
nor the future.

We can say, “You are not a sabertooth tiger bent on
killing me. You are nor a big, scary truck bent on
crushing my car. You are a GHOST! LEAVE ME ALONE!”

…And that’s it – recognize what they are, and they
lose their POWER.

Your Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. Life is a journey of many steps. Which one is the
most important step? The first? The last? NO, neither
of those! The most important step is the one You are
taking at this moment.

Originally published at

Ken Klemm



That is why, at Mentoring For Free, We Teach You HOW to
Think, Not WHAT to Think.



Inspired by Chapter 15 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


Just like there’s no crying in baseball, there’s no
fear in the apple orchard. So we’ll make our last visit
to the orchard near the end of this.

But there’s plenty of Fear in network marketing – and
most of it should not be there.

Most people do network marketing every day, but they
just don’t get paid for it – and they’ve been doing it
since about age five.

They recommend and promote things they like. At age
five, it’s stuff like toys, candy, breakfast cereal,
and fast food restaurants. Later it’s movies, music,
shows, games, vacation places, auto repair, hair
stylists, babysitters, etc.

They do it all their lives – and love doing it – but
they never get paid for it.

Then they join a network marketing company who says,
“Keep doing it and we’ll pay You for it”.

…And something happens. They say, “I can’t sell! I
don’t know how to sell! I hate sales!”

“Wait a minute! Haven’t You been doing this all Your
life for free?”

“Well, yes, but now I’ll get paid for it – and I can’t
do it!”

What IS this? It’s a psychological disorder I’ve named
N.M.I.A. – Network Marketing Induced Amnesia. It’s a
FEAR Disorder. Fear of Rejection.

We have no Fear of Rejection when we recommend a
plumber (unless maybe the plumber offers to pay us for

So what’s different? Only an imagined image in our
subconscious minds. There is no other difference in
REALITY, just our own Perception.

Ah, the famous Salesman Alarm – a program in the
Subconscious Mind that sounds something like, “Whoop!
Whoop! Whoop! Dive! Dive! Dive! Shields Up! Run! Save
Yourself! Hide the Children!”

It must have evolved from the Wild Carnivore Alarm
(part of the Survival Program). Somehow, over time,
we’ve replaced the sabertooth tiger with the

Do we feel like salespeople when we talk about our last
vacation, the great sale we found at a store, or the
great deal we got on a car? No, we feel great!

So, why the FEAR regarding our network marketing
company? It’s not REAL, it’s a phantom in our minds –
that’s all.

FEAR is habit taught to us. Almost the entire twentieth
century ran on the fuel of Fear. All major nations
taught their citizens to Fear their neighbors – they
were “evil” and “dangerous”. War and the threat of war
drove the engines of the world’s economy.

In the lull between the World Wars, Fear of Poverty
took center stage and begat the Great Depression. War
got the nations moving again.

The exception was the 1990’s – with the collapse of one
of the superpowers and the era of optimism born in the
1980’s – the decade was one of peace and prosperity for
most of the world.

But there is a balance – a great pendulum swinging back
and forth, preventing systems from reaching extremity.
All systems have cycles – up and down, forward and

In an amazing display of Greed, leaders of systems
conspired to artificially prevent the pendulum from
swinging back – through lies and over-valuation of
assets. When the pendulum finally did swing back, it
swung back with a vengeance – and we witnessed the
destruction of their systems at the end of the last
decade, and the birth of a new era of Fear of Poverty.

New would-be tyrants fan the flames of this Fear daily,
attempting to seize a level of control which could not
be sustained in the last century.

As the pendulum swings forward again in the
twenty-teens it will be an era of HOPE. The Merchants
of Hope are leading the way.


There is an old saying, “One bad apple spoils the whole
bunch.” It’s not just an urban legend.

Harvest is a critical time at the apple orchard. All
the prior seasons of toil – watering, fertilizing,
pruning, treating for pest and disease attacks – can be
undone without careful sorting at harvest.

When the apples are stored in containers for transport,
we must be careful to discard all blemished apples. If
an apple has mold growing on it, then the mold spores
will spread throughout the container.

A small cut in one apple hastens its ripening process –
leading to rot. A ripening apple exudes ethylene, a
gaseous hormone. The presence of ethylene in the
container excites the ripening process of the other
apples. As each ripening apple adds more ethylene to
the concentration, the effect compounds.

Likewise, giving Power to the NEGATIVE INFLUENCE OF ONE
PERSON can undo all the toil of stripping away the
layers of puke to uncover the FIRST SENSE.

Your Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. It is time now to officially retire the apple
orchard. I have learned much from the orchard, and I am

Originally published at

Ken Klemm



That is why, at Mentoring For Free, We Teach You HOW to
Think, Not WHAT to Think.



atural ability.

Inspired by Chapter 14 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


I may never win this battle of words. Society insists
calling it the Sixth Sense, as if it were something
outside of normal, natural ability.

At the moment of conception, it is the only sense we
have – our connection to THE SOURCE. Babies demonstrate
the Sense – the way they are intuitively comfortable or
uncomfortable being held by different people, for

Very young children seem to live in a world of awe and
wonder, unfettered by the bounds of labels. Many seem
to Sense things unseen and unheard. Their ability to
DREAM and IMAGINE flourishes, until it is gradually and
tragically conditioned out of them.

As we grow, the constant barrage of input from our five
new senses and the labels we are admonished to assign
to everything gradually overwhelm the First Sense until
it is buried beneath many layers of conditioned
experience. When it does occasionally peek out, it is
usually dismissed as irrational, supernatural, or with
less kindly labels.

How does the apple seedling, suspended in utter
darkness, know which way to send its sprout? It
instinctively seeks the sunlight and carbon dioxide it
needs to build a tree.

An apple grows around its core – the core connected to
the SOURCE tree. As it accumulates more moisture and
fruit, the burden becomes too much to hold onto the
connection. The apple falls to the ground, forever
severing its connection with the SOURCE.

Yet deep within the apple remains its core. Surrounding
the core are seeds – within each a pattern, a
blueprint, an IDEA, a POTENTIAL, a  DREAM!

We’ve come full-circle to the POTENTIAL for endless
generations of trees.

As we come full-circle in this book, arriving at the
PURPOSE, the GOAL of Hill’s entire philosophy:
Discovering and developing our SIXTH SENSE – or
uncovering and reclaiming our FIRST SENSE.

Those of us so empowered seem to always be at the right
place at the right time, to make the right choices, say
the right words, etc. We have a firm connection to our

I no longer deny or ignore my INTUITION.

A few weeks ago I enjoyed a 7-day cruise with my
mentors. One late afternoon back onboard after a day at
port, I said to my cabin mate, “Johnie, I have to go up
to the midship hot tub. I don’t know why, I just have
to be there.”

At the hot tub I met a family and we visited and talked
a bit. Every afternoon for the rest of the cruise we
visited and developed a bond. We continue building that
bond because we all reside in the same town.

I still do not know how, but I feel in my gut this
relationship will play some part in my purpose to help
change the world.

I TRUST the Intuition of my mentors as well.

During the cruise Tom Schreiter said to me, “I’ll be in
Philly on the 22nd. If You come, then You can visit
with Your friends there.”

When I arrived home I booked my flight without

When I was in Philadelphia last November, I met and
bonded with 3 folks from a different company than mine
at Tom’s Workshop. The 3 of them posed for a photo with
Tom. We exchanged info and stayed in touch.

When I told them I would be in town on the 22nd, I
invited them to bring their friends from the company to
the Workshop. I was stunned when they all posed for a
photo with Tom afterwards – the group spanned the
entire front of the room, two rows deep!

I know not where this is going, but the best hugs I got
that evening were from folks in that group.

Sorry Anna, but it’s true.

Your Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. I’ll bet some folks will have some Ah-Ha
Revelations this week on the Mental Cleanse… But it’s
a safe bet – they do EVERY week.

Originally published at

Ken Klemm



That is why, at Mentoring For Free, We Teach You HOW to
Think, Not WHAT to Think.


The Brain – Transmitter and Receiver

Inspired by Chapter 13 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Even an apple tree has a “brain”. Where is it? In the
roots? In the trunk? The whole tree? Just in the DNA?
Maybe the whole orchard together?

I don’t  know.

I’m really stretching to keep this apple orchard theme

Oh well, two more lessons and I’m done with it!

I’ve realized that ALL things have CONSCIOUSNESS at
some level. There’s a big clue there to the nature of
the Universe, I think.

Anyway, the HUMAN BRAIN – amazing! We know a heck of a
lot more about it now than when old Pole Hill wrote his
book – most of  it within the past decade.

(Jerry, I don’t think Hill would respond to Pole or
Nap. He was Greener than grass – Greener than You and I
put together. Just look at Chapter 7 or 15 for
evidence. He would insist on Napoleon. I had a friend
named Napoleon who called himself Pole, but he was
hammered Blue.)

Oh, I won’t bore You with a discussion about the
workings of the brain – there are plenty of books and
articles on that.

But Human THOUGHT – that’s the thing!

What is it? How can it be transmitted and received
across thousands of miles in less than an instant? How
can prayers be answered before they are asked? What is
this medium called ETHER as the ancient Greeks named

We know as much about the properties of THOUGHT ENERGY
as we do about gravity – next to nothing!

We only have an abundance of evidence that it EXISTS.

WHO answers prayers, anyway? Some mysterious entity out
beyond the galaxies?

Or do WE answer them ourselves? Are we part of a
COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS connected to the high and
low-level Consciousness of all things?

In October of 2007 the City of Atlanta was experiencing
a severe drought. Lake Lanier was running dry. They had
a three month supply of drinking water left. It was one
of the major news crises du jour.

One Friday evening George Noory asked the listeners to
his nationwide radio program to pray for rain for
Atlanta. Many folks around the world scoffed at the
experiment, but – nevertheless – it rained off and on
in Atlanta for several days.

Now, did the Thought Energy of the participants somehow
create photons that patterned themselves into hydrogen
and oxygen atoms? Or did the Energy ATTRACT existing
atoms to converge and become molecules of water vapor?
Or was it pure coincidence?

Who knows?

I’m more interested in the LANGUAGE OF PRAYER.
Effective Prayer, that is.


PASSION – an interesting word.  Although its meaning
has evolved through the ages, its root means INTENSE
SUFFERING. Hill touched on Mutual Suffering as one of
the top ten mind stimuli in one sentence from Chapter
11. I wish he had explored it further.

COMPASSION is sympathy and concern for the suffering of

I’m certain many folks in Atlanta had been praying for
rain for THEMSELVES to no avail.

But when others, with no direct emotional attachment to
the outcome, prayed for Atlanta – the rains came.

What does this have to do with business and network


Your Friend, Servant, and Former Stroke Victim,

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. Whose prayers are YOU answering today?

Originally published at

Ken Klemm



That is why, at Mentoring For Free, We Teach You HOW to
Think, Not WHAT to Think.