The Brain – Transmitter and Receiver

Inspired by Chapter 13 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Even an apple tree has a “brain”. Where is it? In the
roots? In the trunk? The whole tree? Just in the DNA?
Maybe the whole orchard together?

I don’t  know.

I’m really stretching to keep this apple orchard theme

Oh well, two more lessons and I’m done with it!

I’ve realized that ALL things have CONSCIOUSNESS at
some level. There’s a big clue there to the nature of
the Universe, I think.

Anyway, the HUMAN BRAIN – amazing! We know a heck of a
lot more about it now than when old Pole Hill wrote his
book – most of  it within the past decade.

(Jerry, I don’t think Hill would respond to Pole or
Nap. He was Greener than grass – Greener than You and I
put together. Just look at Chapter 7 or 15 for
evidence. He would insist on Napoleon. I had a friend
named Napoleon who called himself Pole, but he was
hammered Blue.)

Oh, I won’t bore You with a discussion about the
workings of the brain – there are plenty of books and
articles on that.

But Human THOUGHT – that’s the thing!

What is it? How can it be transmitted and received
across thousands of miles in less than an instant? How
can prayers be answered before they are asked? What is
this medium called ETHER as the ancient Greeks named

We know as much about the properties of THOUGHT ENERGY
as we do about gravity – next to nothing!

We only have an abundance of evidence that it EXISTS.

WHO answers prayers, anyway? Some mysterious entity out
beyond the galaxies?

Or do WE answer them ourselves? Are we part of a
COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS connected to the high and
low-level Consciousness of all things?

In October of 2007 the City of Atlanta was experiencing
a severe drought. Lake Lanier was running dry. They had
a three month supply of drinking water left. It was one
of the major news crises du jour.

One Friday evening George Noory asked the listeners to
his nationwide radio program to pray for rain for
Atlanta. Many folks around the world scoffed at the
experiment, but – nevertheless – it rained off and on
in Atlanta for several days.

Now, did the Thought Energy of the participants somehow
create photons that patterned themselves into hydrogen
and oxygen atoms? Or did the Energy ATTRACT existing
atoms to converge and become molecules of water vapor?
Or was it pure coincidence?

Who knows?

I’m more interested in the LANGUAGE OF PRAYER.
Effective Prayer, that is.


PASSION – an interesting word.  Although its meaning
has evolved through the ages, its root means INTENSE
SUFFERING. Hill touched on Mutual Suffering as one of
the top ten mind stimuli in one sentence from Chapter
11. I wish he had explored it further.

COMPASSION is sympathy and concern for the suffering of

I’m certain many folks in Atlanta had been praying for
rain for THEMSELVES to no avail.

But when others, with no direct emotional attachment to
the outcome, prayed for Atlanta – the rains came.

What does this have to do with business and network


Your Friend, Servant, and Former Stroke Victim,

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. Whose prayers are YOU answering today?

Originally published at

Ken Klemm



That is why, at Mentoring For Free, We Teach You HOW to
Think, Not WHAT to Think.


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