Inspired by Chapter 15 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


Just like there’s no crying in baseball, there’s no
fear in the apple orchard. So we’ll make our last visit
to the orchard near the end of this.

But there’s plenty of Fear in network marketing – and
most of it should not be there.

Most people do network marketing every day, but they
just don’t get paid for it – and they’ve been doing it
since about age five.

They recommend and promote things they like. At age
five, it’s stuff like toys, candy, breakfast cereal,
and fast food restaurants. Later it’s movies, music,
shows, games, vacation places, auto repair, hair
stylists, babysitters, etc.

They do it all their lives – and love doing it – but
they never get paid for it.

Then they join a network marketing company who says,
“Keep doing it and we’ll pay You for it”.

…And something happens. They say, “I can’t sell! I
don’t know how to sell! I hate sales!”

“Wait a minute! Haven’t You been doing this all Your
life for free?”

“Well, yes, but now I’ll get paid for it – and I can’t
do it!”

What IS this? It’s a psychological disorder I’ve named
N.M.I.A. – Network Marketing Induced Amnesia. It’s a
FEAR Disorder. Fear of Rejection.

We have no Fear of Rejection when we recommend a
plumber (unless maybe the plumber offers to pay us for

So what’s different? Only an imagined image in our
subconscious minds. There is no other difference in
REALITY, just our own Perception.

Ah, the famous Salesman Alarm – a program in the
Subconscious Mind that sounds something like, “Whoop!
Whoop! Whoop! Dive! Dive! Dive! Shields Up! Run! Save
Yourself! Hide the Children!”

It must have evolved from the Wild Carnivore Alarm
(part of the Survival Program). Somehow, over time,
we’ve replaced the sabertooth tiger with the

Do we feel like salespeople when we talk about our last
vacation, the great sale we found at a store, or the
great deal we got on a car? No, we feel great!

So, why the FEAR regarding our network marketing
company? It’s not REAL, it’s a phantom in our minds –
that’s all.

FEAR is habit taught to us. Almost the entire twentieth
century ran on the fuel of Fear. All major nations
taught their citizens to Fear their neighbors – they
were “evil” and “dangerous”. War and the threat of war
drove the engines of the world’s economy.

In the lull between the World Wars, Fear of Poverty
took center stage and begat the Great Depression. War
got the nations moving again.

The exception was the 1990’s – with the collapse of one
of the superpowers and the era of optimism born in the
1980’s – the decade was one of peace and prosperity for
most of the world.

But there is a balance – a great pendulum swinging back
and forth, preventing systems from reaching extremity.
All systems have cycles – up and down, forward and

In an amazing display of Greed, leaders of systems
conspired to artificially prevent the pendulum from
swinging back – through lies and over-valuation of
assets. When the pendulum finally did swing back, it
swung back with a vengeance – and we witnessed the
destruction of their systems at the end of the last
decade, and the birth of a new era of Fear of Poverty.

New would-be tyrants fan the flames of this Fear daily,
attempting to seize a level of control which could not
be sustained in the last century.

As the pendulum swings forward again in the
twenty-teens it will be an era of HOPE. The Merchants
of Hope are leading the way.


There is an old saying, “One bad apple spoils the whole
bunch.” It’s not just an urban legend.

Harvest is a critical time at the apple orchard. All
the prior seasons of toil – watering, fertilizing,
pruning, treating for pest and disease attacks – can be
undone without careful sorting at harvest.

When the apples are stored in containers for transport,
we must be careful to discard all blemished apples. If
an apple has mold growing on it, then the mold spores
will spread throughout the container.

A small cut in one apple hastens its ripening process –
leading to rot. A ripening apple exudes ethylene, a
gaseous hormone. The presence of ethylene in the
container excites the ripening process of the other
apples. As each ripening apple adds more ethylene to
the concentration, the effect compounds.

Likewise, giving Power to the NEGATIVE INFLUENCE OF ONE
PERSON can undo all the toil of stripping away the
layers of puke to uncover the FIRST SENSE.

Your Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. It is time now to officially retire the apple
orchard. I have learned much from the orchard, and I am

Originally published at 30DayMentalCleanse.info

Ken Klemm



That is why, at Mentoring For Free, We Teach You HOW to
Think, Not WHAT to Think.


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