Inspired by Chapter 13 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Everything in the world vibrates at a certain

Everything has a definite pattern. Whenever two
hydrogen atoms combine with an oxygen atom to form a
molecule of water, the pattern it forms is ALWAYS a
140-degree angle.

Not so long ago, scientists (an arrogant bunch)
proclaimed the atom was the smallest possible particle
in the universe.

Why? It was the smallest particle they could see at the

Later, when technology improved, scientists could see
the atom was made of electrons orbiting around a
nucleus of protons and neutrons. A tremendous force of
energy keeps the electrons in place.

So, they proclaimed the electron was the smallest
possible particle in the universe.

Now, we know electrons are made of vibrating energy and
they are full of holes.

Every electron, proton, and neutron are the same – no
matter whether they are part of a carbon atom, a tin
atom, or a gold or platinum atom. The difference is the
way they VIBRATE.

Every particle in a gold atom vibrates at the frequency
of gold. This particular frequency of vibration
ATTRACTS gold atoms to each other.

That is why water vapor collects to form clouds, and
gold gathers to form veins in the rock of gold mines.

Electromagnetic forces behave as both waves of energy
and as very tiny particles called photons. They
constantly move at the speed of light. They permeate
and pass through the spaces between and within the
particles of atoms.

That’s why You can use Your cell phone inside

All EM energy vibrates at specific frequencies.
Fortunately, Your eyes only react to a very few of
them. Others are recognized by Your shortwave, AM, FM,
or CB radios, Your television, x-ray film, the food in
You microwave oven and stuff – and Your cell phone.

Now, the cell phone network looks for a specific
pattern transmitted by Your phone when someone calls or
texts You, finds which cell You are near, and sends a
specific pattern only Your phone recognizes. Else You’d
be bombarded with everyone’s text and voice messages.

There is only one substance it can’t seem to penetrate.
There is something about the pattern of lead that
blocks all EM energy. Even Superman’s peepers can’t
pierce it. The tradeoff for him is, Kryptonite encased
in a lead-lined box can’t hurt him.

One more thing about EM energy: It diminishes over
distance. If You increase its wattage at the source,
then it will travel further – whether it be a lightbulb
or a radio station.

HUMAN THOUGHT ENERGY may be the most amazing and
powerful in the world. It radiates in all directions,
permeates everything – including lead, travels faster
than light (instantly), and does not diminish over

Via our BRAINS, we transmit and receive thought to and
from each other. Most people send only a trickle of
energy, so their thoughts are not noticed by most.

The fuel to increase the Brain’s wattage is STRONG
HUMAN EMOTION. It generates a bright beacon which
cannot be ignored.

Just like all matter and other forces of energy, our
Brains vibrate at specific frequencies. And, like
everything else in nature, our thought vibrations
ATTRACT thoughts of the same frequency.

The really cool thing is, we CHOOSE the frequency of
Brain Vibration. …And, we CHOOSE the wattage of

One last thing: Not only do we receive each others’
thoughts, our thoughts affect matter. See for proof.

You Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. If I want gold, I vibrate gold. If I want to
answer prayers, I vibrate the frequency of prayer to
ATTRACT the praying. The frequency of Prayer is
COMPASSION: Sympathy for the Yearning of Others.

Originally published at

Ken Klemm



That is why, at Mentoring For Free, We Teach You HOW to
Think, Not WHAT to Think.


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