How Can You Learn How to Be a Good Entrepreneur?

Inspired by Chapter 5 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Formal education, from kindergarten to graduate school,
trains You to be a good employee. From street sweeper
to surgeon, attorney, CEO – all employees. The
entrepreneurs who fund the schools, and the bureaucrats
who manage them, do not want to train competition.

So, how can You learn how to be a good entrepreneur?

As our example, let’s look at the story of our author,
Napoleon Hill.

In addition to being the wealthiest person on the
planet, Andrew Carnegie – the founder of Carnegie Steel,
was somewhat of a rebel. A bona fide Scottish
immigrant, he knew the history of how the Elite Brits
once considered the Scots second-class humans – merely
by their geography. As a believer in the American
Dream, Carnegie thought all folks should have access to
the Secrets of Wealth – regardless of their

Carnegie adopted Napoleon Hill to be his APPRENTICE.
He TAUGHT Hill secrets ONE-ON-ONE. He gave Hill BOOKS
to READ. Carnegie introduced Hill to the wealthiest men
in America, so Hill could OBSERVE them.

As Hill’s MENTOR, Carnegie FOLLOWED-UP to see what Hill
learned from his observations. He also TUTORED Hill in
applying the Secrets to his own life EXPERIENCES.
Carnegie invited Hill to attend many LECTURES and

I’ve learned from Hill’s writing style, capitalizing
all the Key Words in the above two paragraphs to reveal
all the methods by which You can Acquire the
Specialized Knowledge to be an Entrepreneur. By the
way, these are the methods employed at Mentoring For
Free – the only organization I know of who does not
charge You a fee to Acquire this Knowledge.

You must be careful who You listen to though, even
Napoleon Hill. If You are not reading the Original,
Unabridged 1937 Edition of TGR, then You may be being
mislead. For example, some editions completely omit
Chapter 11, which contains the Powerful Secret Key to
Unlocking the Full Potential of Mind Chemistry and the
Master Mind Alliance. If You read Hill’s Law of Success
in Sixteen Lessons, then be sure it is the original
1928 edition.

Your Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. There are still powerful elites in the world who
do NOT want You to have ALL the secrets… and many of
those rascals are in network marketing.

Originally published at

Ken Klemm



That is why, at Mentoring For Free, We Teach You HOW to
Think, Not WHAT to Think.


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