All Events and Habits are Equal and Neutral

Inspired by Chapter 12 of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

All Events and Habits are Equal and Neutral.

Whether an event is good or bad depends on how I react
to it.

Stock Market Crash – bad news?

Yes, were I one of the multitude of foolish investors
who jumped on the bandwagon when the prices were high,
expecting them to keep rising higher forever. (My
gullible Subconscious Mind assumes everything will
remain as it is. It struggles with sudden change. It’s
programmed that way.)

However, were I a smart investor waiting to scoop up
bargains after a crash – GOOD NEWS!

HABITS are Neutral as well. They are programs in my
Subconscious Mind. Anything I’ve repeated often enough
became a hard-wired, neural pathway Habit at the level
of Unconscious Competence.

My Subconscious does not judge any Habit as good or bad
– it just runs the programs. It treats the Habit of
beating my heart, Equal with my Habit of saying “my
pleasure” instead of “no problem”, Equal with my Habit
of smoking cigarettes.

It expects to run all its programs forever, until and
unless some external force or my Conscious Will forces
it to change. Conscious Repetition is the only way I’ve
found to force change myself.

A dude named F. W. Woolworth had the Habit of saving
his pocket change and then investing it. Desiring more
pocket change to save, he noticed the Habit most people
have of spending theirs. So he traded nearly worthless
junk for their nickels and dimes, and built himself an

The five and ten cent stores are long gone. Now we have
dollar stores – more junk, bigger pieces of pocket

My Subconscious Mind was wired at conception with the
knowhow to interact with all other Consciousness of the
Ether. I’ve noticed it does this best when I am free
from Conscious Distraction, like when I meditate or

When I’ve gone to bed dwelling on numerous challenges,
I’ve experienced disturbing dreams and woken into
anxiety attacks in the middle of the night – unable to
return to sleep.

When I’ve gone to bed repeating a soothing, uplifting
Self-Talk, I’ve experienced pleasant dreams and woken
early with a head full of ideas I felt confident about.

Your Friend and Servant,

Ken Klemm – Florida, USA

P.S. I am continually bombarded by the Suggestions of
others, and they bother me. My own Suggestion must be
enough to outweigh them. Each Suggestion is Equal too.

Originally published at

Ken Klemm



That is why, at Mentoring For Free, We Teach You HOW to
Think, Not WHAT to Think.


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